Eugene & Shirley Ann Conger
had a little "get-together" on Memorial Day and here
are some of the pictures ........... Everybody was there and all
had a good time. Mike had a flat tire but they got it fixed ok.

It's good that we can do this,
have good weather and all that.
had our Easter and all that but then Shirley and I graduated our
first Grandchild from High School and then our two daughters
graduated from a 2-year course they took at William Penn College
here in Iowa. We're very proud of all of them as they all did
very well scoring well with their work and Emily is going on to
University of Iowa on a scholarship. She worked hard for it as
did her mother and her aunt did theirs. It's not easy to raise a
family and then take on the task of expanding an education.
are a couple photos of Shirley and the girls. Sam has already
gone to our Technical College for just selected courses and got
lucky there, getting good teachers, etc who knew their stuff and
he really learned a lot there. He says the learning offered since
then has dropped off as some of the good faculty in that area of
expertise had moved on. Sam is well into robotics in

I must
plead for understanding here as I stayed home during the
festivities but enjoyed them none-the-less. I was able to watch
the William Penn ceremonies "online" on my computer and
was grateful for it. I'm pretty much done in by arthritis and my
activities have been pretty limited in the last 2-3 years.
somehow wound up with another birthday ....... number 75 - can
you believe that? Everyone sent cards and Carlie sent the
biggest one and with 2 gal. of paint for our back porch from
Nick! Lots of nice gifts, including $100 cash, and cake, ice
cream and everything!

In October we had some
birthday celebrations and some visitors showed up - Shirley's
Sister, Donna and one of her boys, Todd. We were glad to see them
of course and even got a picture or two of them. Here is one of
them, left to right, Donna, Todd and Shirley Conger.

Lookin' good, guys!
get Shirley in here somewhere or I'll really be in trouble.
Shirley had a birthday Feb 17th and I have some photos but for
some reason, can't find one showing her full in the face. Here
are a few of the more interesting ones.

woman's gift ........ a cooking utensil!

But I've
been around a little longer that the rest of them and knew
Shirley loves to put puzzles together and seeing an ad in a
catalog for made to order puzzles, ordered a couple for her.
She's looking at the pictures that came back with the puzzles.
And here
is the assembled product, didn't take her long either
............. you might recognize them.

I've been slippin' up on some of these pages. I just had my 76th
birthday and hardly anything between it and the 75th. Fact is,
the 'ol boilers are leaking quite a bit and I've had real
problems with arthritis and, for some reason known to the fates
that run this thing, I've had terrible muscle cramps, mostly in
my back muscles and they are the most painful things I've ever
had to endure. They have settled down quite a bit, I don't know
Anyway, here are a few pictures of the 4th July
get-together we had this year at home in Exline.

that's me with my oldest daughter, 'Little Naomi'.
when we got these boys, they were sure cute, but they are
starting to look a little ornery - can't imagine why.
Left to right, front row ...... Mark Jones, Nick Conger,
Shon Sconzo, (back row) Dan Conger, Troy Cassady, Ethan Hawk, Sam
Conger. All good boys ..........
And pretty much the
same thing can be said of the women folks as you can

row, left to right; Riley Hawk, Carlie Conger, Zoie Sconzo (back
row) Emily Hawk, Shirley Conger, Naomi Hawk, Sarah Sconzo. The
three girls in the back have a total of 7 years at acredited
college work with good scores.
I noticed that I somehow
was left out of these pictures so I asked that we get at least
one with me in it. They said sure can, so in the waning daylight
we managed to get everybody together and get this one shot.
I felt kind of unsteady and figured the posing
might take awhile so I brought the walker out and turned it
backwards and still had support if I needed it. Worked fine and I
didn't have to lean on it much.
Had another good birthday
party, thanks to the family.
here it is Jan 2014 and on the 17th day of the month, this pretty
little fellow showed up in southern Kansas. Oscar Alzado
Sconzo was born in early hours of the day. This is the son of
Sarah and Mike and is our 9th Grandchild. And here he is being
held by his Grandmother Shirley who went from Iowa to Kansas with
Sarah's older sister, Naomi, for the event.

just great .......... what a guy he'll be!
....... after a year or two ...... here he is, offering to
redecorate the Christmas tree and standing by just in
case his sister Zoie needs help in a ballgame.

he's off and running - got a good start!
I got to visit with Oscar a little bit just before
the July 4th fireworks.

2015. Had a very nice one, as always. Took some group photos

one has the Grandchildren .......!

Sam's came to our house and what did they bring us?

you believe that when wife opened the box, out came this pretty
balloon with "It's a GIRL" on it!
So it
looks as if we are going to get another grandchild. That's all
good ......

here she is ! She arrived earlier than expected but is doing very
well. She has the reddish blonde hair
and is
pretty, small at six pounds plus, but pretty. A nice looking baby
- Everly Josephine Conger.

are the two new babies side by side, Gabe on the left and Josie
on the right.
don't know what we could do as an encore. The nice babies are the
tops …..
Here are the GRANDDAUGHTERS of the family
Emily Hawk, Josephine Conger, Riley Hawk, Carlie Conger and Zoie Sconzo ........ what a wonderful troupe!
The family today .......

Conger 4/1/2016
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